Our Other Web Sites
Sonya also makes & sales Handcrafted Goat Milk Soap (Buy a 3 oz or 5 oz bar of soap)
They are long lasting and great for dry skin.
Need a programmer? Computer fixed? Software?
Steve can help you.
To direct people to the different web sites that Sonya's involved in.
(Some are password protected.)
Web Sites Designed by SumPhoto with Client Input
"For Sale by Owner". Client selling their home/business in Cody, WY.
It is now available for another client.
The Big Horn Basin Foxtrotters Association
Digital Scrapbooking Kits
Check out digital scrapbooking kits created by Sonya and other wonderful designers

SumPhoto officially started in 2004 with lots of encouragement and support by family and friends. It's something I would have never dreamed of doing yet it's been a passion I've enjoyed since I was young. As a youngster I loved looking through photo albums and seeing people that I'd hear stories about. Thats when I realized the value of photographs, when they connect one to the past. Past memories or past history of people.
My mother gave me her Kodak Instamatic 44 camera when I was about twelve years old. So I began clicking away to preserve moments in time. My only limit was my budget. I enjoyed artwork which I believe helped me develop an eye for composition, design and balance.
My husband also enjoys photography so when we got married we invested in a Cannon AE1. Through the years we've been able to capture many treasured moments for ourselves and many others.
In 2003 we purchased a digital camera (Olympus Camedia c720). Soon we upgraded to a much higher quality digital camera (Canon SLR 20D) and have since added another digital Camera (Canon SLR 30D). We've also been adding an assortment of lenses and accessories.

Plenty of Photo's...to help Preserve Those Memory Moments
Copyright © 2004, SumPhoto, All rights reserved.
Cody, WY
Updated: 7/22/2012