We offer the Internet viewing for your convince as well as ours.
Click on the link listed above "Portrait Access" or click here and it will take you to another site that handles our Internet postings and orders. Go through the list and find your name/event and date. Click on the link and it will ask you for a password. Enter the password and then enjoy viewing your pictures.
The portrait session will be posted to the Internet for approximately one month after I post them to the Internet and then it will expire. So please make sure you order before it expires. If you need the session on line longer then please contact me before it expires. Of course, I'm more than happy to re post the session but again you'll have to contact me to make the arraignments.
You may order using the Internet or if you are uncomfortable doing that you can copy and past the picture ID number (found at the bottom of the individual pictures) and paste it into your email program and then send the list to me. I will then create an invoice and let you know how much is due. You can then make the arrangements to pay me. Payment must be made before the order is made.
We want happy customers! If you still have questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Client Proof Page (Password Protected)
Copyright © 2004, SumPhoto, All rights reserved.
Cody, WY
Updated: 8/23/2008
Plenty of Photo's...to help Preserve Those Memory Moments